

hammer and tongs hammer at hammer at or hammer away at hammer away at hammer out
hammer out hand and glove hand down hand in glove hand in glove or hand and glove
hand in hand hand it to handle to one's name handle with gloves handle with gloves or handle with kid gloves
handle with kid gloves hand-me-down hand on hand on the torch handout
hand out hand over hand over fist hand over hand hand-pick
hands-down hands down hands-off hands off handsome is as handsome does
hand something to someone on a silver platter hands up hand-to-hand hand to hand hand-to-mouth
handwriting on the wall handwriting on the wall hang around hang by a hair hang by a thread
hang by a thread or hang by a hair hang in effigy hang in effigy or burn in effigy hang in the balance hang in (there)
hang on hang one on hang one's head hang on the lips of hang on the words of
hang on the words of also hang on the lips of hang onto hang onto your hat hang onto your hat or hold onto your hat or hold your hat hang out
hang out one's shingle hangover hang over hang over sb.'s head hang ten
hang together hang up hang-up happen on happen on or happen upon
happen upon happy as the day is long happy camper happy-go-lucky happy hour
happy hunting ground happy medium happy medium hard-and-fast hard as nails
hard-boiled hard cash hard disk hard facts hard feeling
hard-fisted hard going hardheaded hardhearted hard-hitting
hard line hardly any hardly any or scarcely any hardly ever hardly ever or scarcely ever
hard-nosed hard nut to crack hard nut to crack also tough nut to crack hard of hearing hard-on
hard pill to swallow hard put hard put or hard put to it hard put to it hard sell
hard-top hard up hard way harebrained hark back
harp away at harp away at or on harum-scarum harum-scarum hash out
hatchet job hatchet man hate sb.'s guts hat in hand hats off to
hats off to or one's hat is off to haul down one's colors haul down one's colors or strike one's colors haul in haul in or haul up or pull in
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