

词组 hatchet job
释义 hatchet jobn. phr. slang 〖俚〗1The act of saying or writing terrible things about someone or something, usually on behalf of one's boss or organization. 受雇进行的诽谤;恶毒攻击。◆ When Phil makes speeches against the competition exaggerating their weaknesses, he is doing the hatchet job on behalf of our president.当菲尔发表演说攻击竞争对手、夸大他们的弱点时,他是在代表我们的总裁进行诽谤。2A ruthless, wholesale job of editing a script whereby entire paragraphs or pages are omitted. 大刀阔斧的删节。◆ Don, my editor, did a hatchet job on my new novel.我的编辑唐对我的新小说作了大刀阔斧的删节。




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