

词组 hard as nails
释义 hard as nailsadj. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1Not flabby or soft; physically very fit; tough and strong. 结实的;强壮的。◆ After a summer of work in the country, Jack was as hard as nails, without a pound of extra weight.在乡下干了一夏天的活儿之后,杰克结实得像铁打的一样,没有一磅多余的体重。2Not gentle or mild; rough; stern. 铁石心肠的;冷酷无情的;严厉的。◆ John works for a boss who is as hard as nails and scolds John roughly whenever he does something wrong.约翰尼为一个非常严厉的老板干活,他一出错,老板就把他臭骂一顿。




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