

词组 take on
释义 take onv.1To receive for carrying; be loaded with. 接纳(乘客);装载。◆ A big ship was at the dock taking on automobiles in crates to carry overseas for sale.一艘巨轮停靠在码头上,正在装载一箱箱的汽车运往海外销售。2To begin to have (the look of); take (the appearance of). 开始具有;呈现。◆ Others joined the fistfight until it took on the look of a riot.其他人也加入了殴斗直到显出骚乱的样子。3aTo give a job to; hire; employ. 雇用。◆ The factory has opened and is beginning to take on new workers.工厂已开工,正开始招收新工人。3bTo accept in business or a contest. 承担;接受…的挑战。◆ The big man took on two opponents at once.那个身材高大的男人同时对付两个对手。




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