

词组 pay off
释义 pay offv. phr. (stress on off) (重读off)1To pay the wages of. 付清工资。◆ The men were paid off just before quitting time, the last day before the holiday.在放假前最后一天的下班时间以前,大家都领到了工资。2To pay and discharge from a job. 发工资遣散。◆ When the building was completed he paid off the laborers.大楼完工后,他发工资遣散了工人。3To hurt (someone) who has done wrong to you; get revenge on. 报仇,报复。◆ When Bob tripped Dick, Dick paid Bob off by punching him in the nose.鲍伯绊倒了迪克,迪克猛击他的鼻子进行报复。4informal To bring a return; make profit. 〖非正式〗得到回报;获利。◆ At first Mr. Harrison lost money on his investments, but finally one paid off.哈里森先生的许多投资项目都赔了钱,可最终有一项赚了。5informal To prove successful, rewarding, or worthwhile. 〖非正式〗取得成功;得到好结果;值得。◆ John studied hard before the examination, and it paid off. He made an A.约翰考试前用功读书,取得了好结果,得了个优。




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