

词组 polish off
释义 polish offv. informal 1To defeat easily. 轻易击败。◆ The Dodgers polished off the Yankees in four straight games in the 1963 World Series.道奇队在1963年的世界棒球锦标赛中连胜扬基队4场。2To finish completely; finish doing quickly, often in order to do something else. (飞快地)完成(工作);飞快地吃光(或喝光)。◆ The boys were hungry and polished off a big steak.男孩们饿坏了,很快就把一大块牛排吃个精光。◆ Mary polished off her homework early so that she could watch TV.玛丽为了看电视,早早地就赶完了功课。




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