

词组 hole-in-the-wall
释义 hole-in-the-walln. phr.A small place to live, stay in, or work in; a small, hidden, or inferior place. 狭小的住处(或处所、工作场所等);狭小、隐蔽或破败的地方。◆ The jewelry store occupied a tiny hole-in-the-wall.这家珠宝店只占有很小的一块地方。◆ When Mr. and Mrs. Green were first married, they lived in a little hole-in-the-wall in a cheap apartment building.格林先生和夫人最初结婚的时候住在一幢廉价公寓大楼的一间斗室里。2slang, citizen's band radio jargon. A tunnel. 〖俚〗〖民用波段〗隧道。◆ Let's get through this hole in the wall, then we'll change seats.咱们先开过这个隧道,然后再换座位。




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