

词组 shut up
释义 shut upv.1informal To stop talking.〖非正式〗闭嘴。◆ Shut up and let Joe say something.闭嘴,让乔讲几句吧。◆ If you'll shut up for a minute, I'll tell you our plan.如果你能闭一会儿嘴,我就把我们的计划告诉你。2To close the doors and windows of. 关上…的全部门窗。◆ We got the house shut up only minutes before the storm hit.在暴风雨袭来前几分钟我们才把房内的全部门窗关好。3To close and lock for a definite period of time. 关闭;锁住。◆ The Smiths always spend Labor Day shutting up their summer home for the year.史密斯家总是在劳工节那天把他们的避暑别墅关好等下一年再来。4To confine. 把…关起来;监禁;禁闭。◆ That dog bites. It should be shut up.那只狗会咬人,应该把它关起来。




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