

词组 goldfish bowl
释义 goldfish bowln. slang, informal 〖俚〗〖非正式〗1A situation in which it is not possible to keep things secret for any length of time. 不可能保密的地方。◆ Washington Society is a goldfish bowl.华盛顿协会是个不可能保守秘密的地方。2An apartment or place that provides no privacy for its occupant, e. g., an office that has too many windows. 无法躲人耳目的地方(如有太多窗户的办公室)。◆ Joe's office is a goldfish bowl, that's why I didn't let him kiss me there.乔的办公室像个金鱼缸一样一目了然,这也就是我不让他在那里吻我的原因。




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