

词组 it shouldn't happen to a dog!
释义 it shouldn't happen to a dog!v. phr.a proverb To be too disagreeable and unjust to be wished even on a dog. 〖谚〗即便是狗也不该遭此厄运;这事真不该发生,这事真不像话。◆ Poor John was mugged, robbed, beaten, and thrown unconscious in a ditch by the gang. He was lucky to survive the attack. This is the kind of thing that shouldn't happen to a dog!可怜的约翰遭到那帮歹徒的抢劫、毒打,最后被他们扔进壕沟里昏了过去。算他幸运,还没有被打死。这种事儿真太不像话了!




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