

词组 rough-and-ready
释义 rough-and-readyadj.1Not finished in detail; not perfected; rough but ready for use now. 粗略的;马马虎虎的;粗糙但尚能用的。◆ We asked Mr. Brown how long it would take to drive to Chicago and his rough-and-ready answer was two days.我们问布朗先生开车到芝加哥要多久,他马马虎虎地回答说要两天。2Not having nice manners but full of energy and ability. 粗犷而干练的。◆ Jim is a rough-and-ready character; he'd rather fight than talk things over.吉姆是个粗犷而干练的人,他宁愿动手打架而不愿动口争辩。




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