

词组 root-bound
释义 root-boundadj.1Having a limited amount of space for root growth. 根部生长空间有限的;根满盆的。◆ After seven or eight years day lilies become root-bound and will not bloom well unless they are divided.栽种7、8年后,萱草的根部就会纠缠在一起,如不将它们分开就不会很好地开花。2Liking the familiar place where you live and not wanting to go away from it; having a sentimental attachment to one place. 留恋某处不肯离开的;对某处依依不舍的。◆ Mr. Jones has lived in Connecticut all his life. He is too root-bound to consider moving to another state.琼斯先生一生都住在康涅狄格州。他太依恋此地了,从不考虑搬到另一个州去。




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