

词组 bear down
释义 bear downv.1To press or push harder; work hard at; give full strength and attention. 施加压力;严厉对待;全力以赴;加倍努力;聚精会神。◆ The sergeant bears down on lazy soldiers.中士严厉处置偷懒的士兵。2To move toward in an impressive or threatening way.—Often used with on. 向…进逼;(气势汹汹地)冲向。——常与on连用。◆ While he was crossing the street a big truck bore down on him.在他过马路时,一辆大卡车向他冲了过来。◆ The little ship tried to escape when the big pirate ship bore down.巨大的海盗船逼近时,小船拼命想逃掉。




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