

词组 show up
释义 show upv. (stress on up) (重读up)1To make known the real truth about (someone). 暴露;揭露。◆ The man said he was a mind reader, but he was shown up as a fake. 那人说他能看透别人的心思,但事实证明他是个骗子。2To come or bring out; become or make easy to see. 显露;(使)显而易见。◆ This test shows up your weaknesses in arithmetic.这次测验显示出你在算术上的不足。3informal To come; appear. 〖非正式〗出现,来到;露面。◆ We had agreed to meet at the gym, but Larry didn't show up.我们说好在体育馆见面的,但拉里却没有来。




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