

词组 say it with flowers or say it with diamonds
释义 say it with flowers or say it with diamondsv. phr.If you want to please your mother, wife, or girlfriend, don't talk too much, but rather give her a present. (为使母亲、妻子或女友高兴)除了嘴甜还要送花(或钻石首饰)。◆ "Mother's Day is coming," John said to his wife. "What shall I get for your and my mother?" "It doesn't really matter, as long as you say it with flowers," she replied. "As for me, you might as well say it with diamonds!"“母亲节就要到了,”约翰对妻子说。“我该为你母亲和我母亲买些什么礼物呢?”“这真的无关紧要,只要送些鲜花就可以了,”她回答说。“至于我嘛,你不妨买些钻石首饰!”




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