

词组 hold the fort
释义 hold the fortv. phr.1To defend a fort successfully; fight off attackers. 守住堡垒;击退进攻者。◆ The little group held the fort for days until help came.那一小队士兵坚守堡垒好几天,直到援军到来。2informal To keep a position against opposing forces. 〖非正式〗坚持立场。◆ Friends of civil liberties held the fort during a long debate.在长时间的辩论中,支持公民自由的议员们坚守着自己的立场。3informal To keep service or operations going【非正式】坚守岗位;继续工作;代为处理日常事务。◆ Mother and Father went out and told the children to hold the fort.母亲和父亲出去了,他们告诉孩子们要照看好家。




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