

词组 happy hunting ground
释义 happy hunting groundn. phr.1The place where, in American Indian belief, a person goes after death; heaven. (印第安人所信人死后升入的)欢乐狩猎天堂;天堂。◆ The Indians believed that at death they went to the happy hunting ground.印第安人相信他们死后就升入欢乐狩猎天堂。2informal A place or area where you can find a rich variety of what you want, and plenty of it. 〖非正式〗乐土;乐园;得其所哉的好地方。◆ The forest is a happy hunting ground for scouts who are interested in plants and flowers.森林是喜爱植物和花卉的童子军们的乐园。




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