

词组 strike out
释义 strike outv.1To destroy something that has been written or drawn by drawing a line or cross through it or by erasing it. 划掉;删去。◆ John misspelled "corollary." He struck it out and wrote it correctly.约翰拼错了corollary这个词。他把它划掉,把正确的拼写了出来。2To begin to follow a new path or a course of action that you have never tried. 开始行动;开创(新路或行动路线);闯新路。◆ The boy scouts struck out at daybreak over the mountain pass.童子军们天一亮就翻过山隘出发了。3To put (a batter) out of play by making him miss the ball three times; also: To be put out of play by missing the ball three times. 使(击球手)三击不中出局;(击球手)三击不中出局。◆ The pitcher struck out three men in the game.投手在那一局中使3位击球手三击不中出局。




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