

词组 find out
释义 find outv.1To learn or discover (something you did not know before.)得知;发现;弄清,查明。◆ I don't know how this car works, but I'll soon find out.我不知道这辆汽车怎么开,但我很快就会弄清楚的。◆ He watched the birds to find out where they go.他注视着那些鸟以便弄清楚它们飞往何处。2To get facts; to get facts about. 了解;查询,打听。◆ He wrote to find out about a job in Alaska.他写信去询问有关阿拉斯加一份工作的情况。3To discover (someone) doing wrong; catch. 发现(某人)做坏事;查获;发觉。◆ The boy knew that if he cheated on the test the teacher would find him out.那男孩知道,如果他考试作弊,老师会发现的。




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