

词组 first-class
释义 first-class1adj.1Of the highest class or best kind; excellent; first-rate. 一级的,甲等的;极好的;第一流的。◆ It was a first-class TV program.那是一流的电视节目。2Of the best or most expensive class of travelling.(车厢、舱位等)头等的。◆ Mr. Jones bought a first-class plane ticket to Chicago.琼斯先生买了一张去芝加哥的头等舱机票。3Belonging to the class of mail for sending letters, post cards, and handwritten or typewritten mail that is sealed.(邮件)第一类的。◆ It is expensive to send a heavy letter by first-class mail.以第一类邮件寄一封很重的信是很贵的。




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