

词组 first come, first served
释义 first come, first servedtruncated sent. informal If you arrive first, you will be served first; people will be waited on in the order they come; the person who comes first will have his turn first. 〖缩短句〗〖非正式〗先到先招待;先到先供应。◆ Get in line for your ice cream, boys. First come, first served.孩子们,排好队来取冰淇淋。先来的先领。◆ The rule in the restaurant is first come, first served.这家餐馆的规矩是先到先招待。◆ There are only a few seats left so it's first come, first served.只剩下几个座位了,所以就谁先来谁坐。




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