

词组 draw a blank
释义 draw a blankv. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1To obtain nothing in return for an effort made or to get a negative result. 白费力气;毫无结果;一无所获。◆ I looked up all the Joneses in the telephone book but I drew a blank every time I asked for Archibald Jones.我在电话簿上查了所有姓琼斯的人,但每一次都找不到阿奇博尔德·琼斯。2To fail to remember something. 记不得,记不起来。◆ I am trying to think of the name but I keep drawing a blank.我竭力想那个名字,但就是想不起来。3To be consistently unsuccessful at doing something. 一直失败。◆ I keep trying to pass that math exam but each time I try it I draw a blank.我一直试图通过那门数学考试,可每次尝试都是失败。




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