

词组 draw a line or draw the line
释义 draw a line or draw the linev. phr.1To think of as different. 区别;认为…不同。◆ The law in this country draws a line between murder and manslaughter.该国法律认为谋杀与过失杀人是不一样的。◆ Can you draw the line between a lie and a fib?你能区分谎言与小谎吗?2To set a limit to what will be done; say something cannot be done. 限制;禁止。◆ We would like to invite everybody to our party, but we have to draw a line somewhere. 我们愿意邀请每个人来参加我们的聚会,但我们必须有所限制。— Often used with at. 常与at连用。◆ Mrs. Jones draws the line at permitting the children to play in their father's den.琼斯太太不允许孩子们在他们父亲的书房里玩耍。◆ People fighting for their freedom often do not draw the line at murder.为自由而斗争的人们往往不戒杀戮。




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