

词组 ground zero
释义 ground zeron.1A place of total devastation. 遭到完全破坏的地方。◆ Hiroshima and Nagasaki were ground zero after the atomic bomb was dropped on them in August 1945.广岛和长崎在1945年8月被投下原子弹后遭到了彻底毁坏。2After September 11, 2001: The place in New York City where the World Trade Center stood that was brought down by suicide terrorists. (2001年9月11日遭恐怖袭击被炸毁的)纽约世贸中心遗址。◆ Many tourists come to see ground zero, the place where the World Trade Center once stood.很多旅游者来参观世贸中心被毁后的遗址。3A very messy and disorganized place. 混乱不堪的地方。◆ "Why must you turn your room into a total ground zero?" Father asked indignantly.“你为什么一定要把自己的房间弄成一个混乱不堪的地方呢?”父亲气愤地问。




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