

词组 if you can't lick them, join them
释义 if you can't lick them, join themIf you cannot defeat an opponent or get him to change his attitude, plans, or ways of doing things, the best thing to do is to change your ideas, plans, etc. 无力胜之则从之;打不过他们,就加入他们。◆ "The small car manufacturers are winning over the big car makers," the president of an American car factory said. "If we want to stay in business, we must do as they do. In other words, if you can't lick them, join them."“小汽车制造商正在战胜大汽车制造商,”一家美国汽车厂的总裁说。“如果我们想在这一行继续干下去,我们就必须像他们那样干。换句话说,如果你打不过他们,就加入他们。”




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