

词组 go postal
释义 go postalv. phr.To lose control over oneself and become angry enough to start shooting at innocent bystanders (as was done by a disgruntled employee in a post office in Chicago). (像芝加哥一名不满的邮局雇员曾做过的那样)忍不住大怒而开始向无辜的旁观者开枪射击;急得发疯。◆ "Oh, I'm so glad I found you, Professor. Here is my term paper. I was stuck in traffic and I thought I was gonna go postal," Ms. Murphy said, handing in her paper at the very last possible moment.“啊,我真高兴,总算找到你了,教授。这是我的学期论文。我来的路上堵车,我急得都要发疯了,”墨菲女士一边说,一边在最后一刻交上了论文。




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