

词组 if you don't like it, you can lump it
释义 if you don't like it, you can lump itinformal If you don't like what I have proposed, you may just quit the entire discussion and go away. — A proverb. 〖非正式〗〖谚〗你如果不喜欢,也只得忍受。◆ Before Grandmother died she called in her two grandsons and told them: "I will leave you each an equal amount of $25,000." "Is that all?" the boys replied indignantly. "I can give it all to the church, you know!" the grandmother answered, and added, "If you don't like it, you can lump it!" 祖母去世前,把两个孙子叫来对他们说:“我将留给你们每人25000美元。”“就这么点?”两个孙子愤愤不平地说。“我完全可以把这些钱全都捐给教会的!”祖母回答说,随后又加了一句:“你们要是不喜欢,那就将就着点吧!”




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