

词组 do someone dirt
释义 do someone dirtv. phr.1To besmirch sb.'s reputation by spreading false gossip about the person. 恶意中伤某人;损害某人的名誉。◆ Poor Mr. Wong was done dirt by the other restaurant owners in the city who spread the false rumor that he was using dog meat in his dishes.可怜的王先生遭到了城里其他餐馆主人的恶意中伤,他们散布谣言说他在菜肴里用了狗肉。2To cheat someone in a seemingly honest business transaction. 欺骗某人◆ I am afraid to do business with those guys, because they may do me dirt.我害怕跟那些家伙做生意,因为他们可能会骗我。




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