

词组 take the cake
释义 take the cakev. phr. slang 〖俚〗1To take the first prize; be the best; rank first. 得头奖;成为最佳者;名列第一。◆ Mr. Jones takes the cake as a storyteller.琼斯先生讲故事讲得最好。2To be the limit; to be the worst; have a lot of nerve; be a very rude, bold, or surprising action. 令人无法容忍;坏到极点;脸皮特厚;鲁莽至极;胆大包天。◆ I let Jack borrow my baseball and he never gave it back. Doesn't that take the cake?我让杰克借去了我的棒球,但他却一直不还回来。这是不是脸皮太厚了点?




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