

词组 take the heat
释义 take the heatv. phr.1To overcome pressure in a trying situation. 承受压力;战胜压力。◆ John makes an ideal boss. He can take the heat like nobody else.约翰可以成为一个理想的老板。他比任何人都能承受巨大的压力。2To be held responsible for errors or mistakes committed. 承担责任;受到批评。◆ Although Ted had nothing to do with the problems at the factory, he had to take the heat, as no one else came forth to tell the true story of what had happened.虽然泰德跟厂里出现的问题毫无关系,他却不得不承担责任,因为没有人站出来说出事情的真相。




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