

词组 take the Fifth
释义 take the Fifthv. phr. informal 〖非正式〗1Taking refuge behind the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States which guarantees any witness the right not to incriminate himself while testifying at a trial.(援引《美国宪法修正案第五条》)拒绝作于己不利的证词。◆ Alger Hiss took the Fifth when asked whether he was a member of the Communist Party.当被问及是否是共产党员时,阿尔杰·希斯援引《宪法修正案》第五条拒绝回答。2Not to answer any question in an informal setting. 拒绝回答。◆ Have you been married before? — I take the Fifth.你过去结过婚吗?——我拒绝回答。




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