

词组 take the rough with the smooth
释义 take the rough with the smoothv. phr.Often heard as advice or an admonition given to a complainer. To accept bad news and difficulties as calmly and cheerfully as one accepts good news and good luck. 既能享乐也能吃苦;好事坏事都接受;顺境逆境都能承受。◆ Jim, an eternal complainer, said to his wife, "I don't understand why they make me work at night, after I just got a promotion to shop manager." The wife replied, "You were lucky to get promoted while so young, so now you must take the rough with the smooth."老爱抱怨的吉姆对妻子说:“我真不懂为什么在我刚被提升为专业零售部经理后就要我晚上上班。”妻子回答说:“你够幸运了,这么年轻就得到了提升,所以现在你必须好事坏事都能接受。”




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