

词组 baby
释义 baby /ˈbeɪbi/ SEE ALL
a ˈbaby boomer (NAmE also a ˈboomer) a person born during a period when many more babies are born than usual (called a baby boom), especially after the Second World War (尤指二战后)生育高峰期出生的人The new President was a baby boomer, born in the 1950s.
新任总统生于 20 世纪 50 年代生育高峰期。
be sb’s ˈbaby (informal) be sth that sb has created, is dealing with, etc. 是某人的杰作;归某人管Mary’s the lawyer, so the legal problem’s her baby.
throw the ˌbaby out with the ˈbathwater (informal) lose sth that you want at the same time as you are trying to get rid of sth that you do not want 去芜及菁;把精华和糟粕一起丢掉It’s stupid to say that the old system of management was all bad; there were some good things about it. The baby was thrown out with the bathwater.
be like taking ˌcandy from a ˈbaby ( be like shooting ˌfish in a ˈbarrel) used to emphasize how easy it is to do sth (用于强调)极为简单,唾手可得,犹如探囊取物,犹如瓮中捉鳖I thought it was going to be difficult to get funding for the project, but in the end it was like taking candy from a baby.我原以为为项目筹集资金会很困难,没想到这么容易,犹如囊中取物。What do you mean you can’t do it? It’ll be like shooting fish in a barrel!你说做不了是什么意思?这不过是举手之劳而已!leave sb holding the ˈbaby (NAmE also leave sb holding the ˈbag) (informal) leave sb to take the responsibility or blame for sth 把责任推到某人身上;归咎于某人It’s always the same. We all agree to do something, then you all say you’re too busy to arrange it, and I’m left holding the baby.事情总是这样。大家一致同意做某件事,然后你们都说自己太忙,无法抽身,最后所有的苦差事都落在我头上。You two were going to fly off and leave me holding the bag.你们俩打算就这样离开,让我一个人背黑锅。sleep like a ˈlog/ˈtop ( sleep like a ˈbaby) (informal) sleep very well; sleep without waking 睡得很熟After our long walk yesterday, I slept like a log.由于昨天走了那么长的路,我睡得很死。(as) smooth as ˈsilk ( (as) smooth as a baby’s ˈbottom humorous ) very smooth 如丝般光滑;光滑得像小孩子的屁股He had just shaved and his face was as smooth as a baby’s bottom.他刚刚刮过脸,脸上光溜溜的。wet the baby’s ˈhead (informal) have a drink to celebrate the birth of a baby 喝酒来庆祝婴儿降生




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