

词组 worth
释义 worth BrE /wɜːθ/
NAmE /wɜːrθ/
be ˈworth itbe worth the time, money, effort, risk, etc. you have spent/taken doing sth 值得(花时间、金钱、精力、冒风险等)A dishwasher costs a lot of money, but it’s worth it.
Don’t drink and drive. It’s not worth it.
be ˌworth your/its ˌweight in ˈgoldbe very useful or valuable 非常有用;很有价值My assistant is worth her weight in gold.
do sth for ˌall you are ˈworthdo sth with as much energy and effort as possible 竭尽全力;拼命I shouted for all I was worth but no one heard me.
for ˌwhat it’s ˈworth (spoken) used to emphasize that what you are saying is only your opinion or suggestion and may not be very helpful (用于强调所说的只是个人意见)无论管不管用,不论好坏That’s my opinion, for what it’s worth.
This is the first drawing I made, for what it’s worth.
make sth ˌworth sb’s ˈwhile (informal) pay sb well for doing sth for you 给某人报酬;酬谢某人If you can work on Saturdays and Sundays, we’ll make it worth your while.
not worth the paper it’s ˈprinted/ˈwritten on (of a written agreement, document, report, etc. 协议、文件、报告等) not having any value, especially legally, or because the person involved does not intend to do what they say they will (尤指在法律上或因无法兑现而)毫无价值The promises in this letter aren’t worth the paper they’re written on.
ˌworth your/its ˈsaltdeserving respect, especially because you do your job well 应受尊敬;称职;胜任Any teacher worth his salt knows that students who enjoy a lesson learn the most.
ORIGIN This may refer to the fact that in Roman times soldiers were given an allowance of salt as part of their pay. The Latin word salarium (= the money given to Roman soldiers to buy salt) is the origin of the word ‘salary’. 这个习语或许原指古罗马时代的士兵领取食盐作为一部分薪金的事实。salary一词原指拉丁语salarium(罗马士兵用于买盐的钱)。
(well) worth your ˈwhile (to do sth)interesting or useful to do 有意思;有用;值得(做某事)It would be well worth your while to come to the meeting.
a bird in the ˌhand is worth two in the ˈbush (saying) it is better to be satisfied with what you have got than to lose it trying to get sth more or better 一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林;奢求不如实得the ˌgame is not worth the ˈcandle (old-fashioned, saying) sth is not worth the effort needed 得不偿失;不值一试After trying to get permission to build the office for a whole year, we gave up, because the game was just not worth the candle.我们为获得许可建立这个事务所努力了整整一年,之后放弃了,因为所费的力气太不值得了。 ORIGIN In the past, candles were used for light at night. If a game or an activity was not worth the cost of the candles required to light the room, it was not worth playing or doing. 旧时,夜间用蜡烛照明,如果你所做的事情或消遣不值得你为之点蜡照亮房间,就不值得去做了。more than your ˈjob’s worth (to do sth) (BrE, spoken) not worth doing because it is against the rules or because it might cause you to lose your job 工作不允许;违反原则;(做了)可能会丢饭碗I’m afraid I can’t do that. It would be more than my job’s worth.那件事我恐怕做不了,那样我会丢掉饭碗的。get/have your ˈmoney’s worthget good value for the money you have spent 钱花得值What an exciting final it was! The crowd certainly had its money’s worth.这场决赛真精彩!观众这钱花得值!The movie was only an hour long, so we felt that we didn’t really get our money’s worth.这部电影只有一个小时,让我们觉得钱花得不合算。put in your two ˈpennyworth/ˈpenn’orth (BrE) (NAmE put in your two ˈcents’ worth) (informal) give your opinion about sth, even if other people do not want to hear it 发表意见(即使别人不想听)I expect you’ve already made up your mind, but I’ll put in my two pennyworth anyway.我想你已经作出了决定,但我还是想谈谈我的看法。The public will get a chance to put in their two cents’ worth at a public hearing.民众将有机会在听证会上发表自己的意见。worthy of the ˈname ( worth the ˈname) (formal) deserving to be called good 名副其实Any doctor worthy of the name would help an injured man in the street.任何配得上医生这个称呼的人看到街上有人受伤都不会不救。




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