

词组 worst
释义 worst BrE /wɜːst/
NAmE /wɜːrst/
be your ˌown worst ˈenemybe a person who often creates problems or difficulties for himself/herself 自讨苦吃;自己害自己He spends all his money on clothes, and then finds that he’s got nothing left to live on — if you ask me, he’s his own worst enemy.
bring out the ˈworst in sbmake sb show their worst qualities 使原形毕露;使表现出最丑陋的一面Pressure can bring out the worst in people.
OPP bring out the best in sb
do your ˈworstbe as harmful, unpleasant, violent, etc. as you can 有什么手段尽管使出来;使尽最坏的招数I refuse to pay this bill. Let them do their worst.
The electricity company did their worst and cut off the supply.
get the ˈworst of itcome off ˈworstbe defeated in a fight, etc.; be affected more seriously than other people, etc. 遭遇失败;吃败仗;受重创The dog had been fighting and had obviously got the worst of it.
Small businesses have come off worst in the economic crisis.
if the ˌworst comes to the ˈworst (NAmE also if ˌworst comes to ˈworst) if the most unpleasant or unfortunate thing happens 如果发生最坏的事情;如果情况坏到极点If the worst comes to the worst, we’ll just have to sell the car.
the worst of ˈboth/ˈall (possible) worldsall the disadvantages of every situation 各种情况的所有不利因素Rail passengers feel that they are getting the worst of both worlds — expensive fares and an unreliable service.
OPP the best of both/all (possible) worlds
at ˈbest/ˈworsttaking the most/least hopeful or positive view 好/坏到头;充其量Smoking is at best unpleasant and expensive, and at worst lethal.吸烟往轻了说是招人烦、花销大,往重了说是可以致命。wouldn’t wish sth on my, etc. worst ˈenemy (informal) used for saying that sth is so unpleasant, painful, etc. that you would not like anyone to experience it 希望谁都不会经历这种痛苦的事It’s a terrible job — it’s dirty, noisy and boring. I wouldn’t wish a job like that on my worst enemy.这工作太可怕了,又脏,又吵,又无聊。我希望谁也不要去做这种工作。




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