

词组 shop
释义 shop BrE /ʃɒp/
NAmE /ʃɑːp/
all ˈover the shop (NAmE also all ˈover the lot) (informal) everywhere 到处;各处I’ve been looking for you all over the shop. Where have you been?
Since you explained idioms to me, I keep seeing them all over the shop.
ˌset up ˈshop (especially BrE) start a business (in a particular place) (在某地)开业He worked as a writer for several years, then set up shop as a small publisher.
The young lawyer set up shop in a new office in the centre of town.
OPP shut up shop
like a ˌbull in a ˈchina shopvery careless or clumsy, especially in a situation where you need to be careful (在需要细心的环境中)莽撞而笨拙,笨手笨脚He was like a bull in a china shop, treading on everyone’s feet and apologizing constantly.他就像一头公牛进了瓷器店,到处踩人的脚,不停地道歉。The Prime Minister went into the negotiations like a bull in a china shop and only made the relations between the two countries worse.首相在谈判中莽撞而笨拙,反而使两国的关系恶化了。a closed ˈshopa factory, etc. where only people belonging to a certain union may work 只雇用工会会员的工厂(或商店等)like a kid in a ˈcandy store/shop (NAmE) used to say that sb is very happy and excited about sth 像小孩子走进糖果店似的;兴奋不已It was my first time in a championship game, so I felt like a kid in a candy store.那是我第一次打冠军赛,所以特别兴奋。I’m like a kid in a candy store when it comes to technology. It all looks so good!一说到技术,我就兴奋不已,因为它们简直太棒了!mind the ˈshop (BrE) (NAmE mind the ˈstore) be in charge of sth for a short time while sb is away 料理事务;临时照看Who’s minding the shop while the boss is abroad?老板出国期间由谁代管?shut up ˈshop (BrE, informal) close a business permanently or stop working for the day 停业;关门;打烊The family ran a small grocer’s for years, but when the old man died they shut up shop.这家人开小杂货店好多年了,可是老人死后,他们就把店给关了。It’s 6 o’clock — time to shut up shop and go home.6 点了,该打烊回家了。talk ˈshoptalk about your work or business in a social situation with sb who works with you (在社交场合)谈公事,谈工作,谈与业务有关的事Are you two talking shop again? Why don’t you forget business for a while and come and meet my friends?你们俩又在谈工作了吧?你们就不能暂时忘掉公事,过来见见我的朋友们? ˈshop talk


We’ve discussed more intimate things than just shop talk.我们谈的更多的是私密事,而不只是公事。




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