

词组 needles
释义 (redirected from needles)


tv. to annoy someone. Tom is always needling Frank.
  • (as) sharp as a needle
  • a needle in a haystack
  • be like looking for a needle in a haystack
  • be like trying to find a needle in a haystack
  • be on pins and needles
  • camel through a needle's eye, a
  • camel through the eye of a needle
  • darning needle
  • eye of the needle
  • get pins and needles
  • get the (dead) needle
  • get the needle
  • have pins and needles
  • like looking for a needle in a haystack
  • like looking for/trying to find a needle in a haystack
  • needle
  • needle (one) about (something)
  • needle about
  • needle candy
  • needle in a haystack
  • needle in a haystack, (like finding) a
  • on pins and needles
  • on pins and needles, to be
  • on the needle
  • pins and needles
  • put a rope to the eye of a needle
  • sharp as a needle
  • the eye of a needle
  • thread the needle
  • vaccinated with a gramophone needle
  • vaccinated with a Victrola needle




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更新时间:2024/9/21 19:08:59