

词组 add up to
add up toadd up to (something)
to result in something.
The details don't add up to a complete picture of what caused the explosion.

Phr V
add up to
adds, adding, added
add up to sth
to become a particular amount
The various building programmes add up to several thousand new homes.
to have a particular result or effect
Trains are frequently cancelled and always late, all of which adds up to a lot of frustration for the passenger.Whether such proposals add up to any real help for the poor remains to be seen.
phraseadd up to1. add up to sth to result in a particular total or amount: Just 200 extra calories per day add up to one-half pound of extra body fat each week. Seth's novel has 19 chapters, each with as many as 30 sections. These add up to 1,364 pages. SIMILAR TO: amount to2. add up to sth to have a particular result or effect, especially to result in people having a particular opinion about something: All this adds up to a remarkable achievement. These differences add up to one conclusion. Government cannot be run like a business. The Pyramids, the Valley of the Kings, cruising on the Nile - it all adds up to the holiday of a lifetime. SIMILAR TO: amount to

add up to (something)

To equal or amount to something. The cash in the drawer doesn't add up to the amount of sales we made today. These new details do not add up to the story the witnesses told us.

add up to

Amount to, signify, as in The smooth airline connections, luxury hotel, and fine weather added up to the best vacation we'd ever had . [Early 1900s] Also see add up.

add up to

To constitute; amount to: The revisions added up to a lot of work.




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更新时间:2024/9/22 9:40:07