

词组 suggest
suggest /səˈdʒest $ səɡˈdʒest/ verb to tell someone your ideas about what they should do, where they should go etc: The zoo asked its visitors to suggest a name for the new baby panda. Can you suggest what kind of tool I should use?GrammarSuggest is often used with (that): Her mother suggested that she should go and see the doctor. I suggest you call him first. It has been suggested that the manager will resign if any more players are sold.Suggest can also be followed by a verb + ing: Tracey suggested meeting for a drink after work.prepositionssuggest sth to sb A friend first suggested the idea to me.phrasesmay I/might I suggest sth? (=used when politely suggesting something) May I suggest that you read Naomi Klein's book? THESAURUS: suggest recommend to suggest that someone goes somewhere, tries something etc because you know that it is good and you think they will like it: Can you recommend a good restaurant near here? | It’s a brilliant book – I’d recommend it to anyone. propose formal to formally suggest a plan or course of action, especially at a meeting: The government has proposed building a new town just north of the city. | I propose that we have another meeting next week. put forward to suggest an idea, plan, reason etc: The party has put forward new proposals to reduce the number of cars in the town centre. | The idea was first put forward by Aristotle. | A number of reasons have been put forward to explain these negative results. nominate to officially suggest someone for an important job or position, or a person, film etc for a prize, especially when people will vote to make a decision: He’s been nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature several times. | Three candidates have been nominated for the post.




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