

词组 shot
shot /ʃɒt $ ʃɑːt/ noun 1. an act of firing a gunverbs + shotfire a shot The man fired three shots into the car.take a shot at sb (=fire a shot trying to hit someone) Someone took a shot at her, but missed.hear a shot Where were you when you heard the shot?shot + verbsa shot hits sb/sth The shot hit Paul in the chest.a shot kills sb It was the second shot that killed him.a shot misses sb/sth (=doesn’t hit them) The first shot missed my head by inches.a shot rings out (=is heard) Suddenly, two shots rang out.adjectivesa single shot (=just one shot) He died from a single shot to his heart.the fatal shot (=the shot that killed someone) It wasn’t clear who had fired the fatal shot.a good shot It was difficult to get a good shot in the dense forest.nouns + shota pistol/rifle shot (=from a particular type of gun) It sounded like a pistol shot.a warning shot (=one fired as a warning to someone) Police fired warning shots into the air.Gunshot (= an occasion when a gun is fired) is written as one word.prepositionsa shot from sth We heard two shots from a gun.a shot to sth He was killed by a shot to the back of the head.phrasestake a pot shot at sb/sth (=shoot at them without aiming carefully) The boy took a pot shot at one of the passing cars.a volley of shots (=a number of shots fired quickly) He fired off a volley of shots from his rifle.2. an act of kicking, throwing, or hitting a ballverbs + shottake a shot He took a shot and scored.hit a shot The player hit a low shot into the far corner of the goal.miss a shot How could she miss such an easy shot?save a shot The goalkeeper saved an excellent shot from Torres.block a shot The shot was blocked by one of the defenders.shot + verbsa shot misses The shot missed the goal.a shot goes in The crowd went wild when Woods’s shot went in.a shot goes wide (=it misses the goal and goes to the side of it) He struck the ball but his shot went wide.adjectivesa great/excellent/fine shot Lee Fagan scored with a great shot in the final moments of the game.a bad/poor/terrible shot I hit some terrible shots today.an easy shot (=one that someone should score) It should have been an easy shot for a tall girl like Rose.a long/straight/low etc shot He kicked a long shot into the back of the net.3. used when saying how good someone is at shooting, throwing, kicking etc something at a targetadjectivesa good/great/bad/terrible etc shot After all the practice, he was becoming a very good shot.4. a photographverbstake a shot First, he took some shots of the beach.get a shot You’ll get a better shot from over here.adjectivesa good shot I managed to get some good shots of the runners.nouns + shota close-up shot (=which shows someone or something from very close) I want a close-up shot of your face.an action shot (=taken of someone while they are moving) She showed me some action shots of the players.a publicity shot (=for advertising something) We hired a photographer to take some publicity shots.Snapshot (= a photograph that you take quickly of someone or something, for example when you are on holiday) is written as one word.prepositionsa shot of sth I wanted to get a shot of our hotel.




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