

词组 rely on
rely on verb1. to need someone or something in order to do somethingadverbsrely heavily on sb/sth (=a lot) The country’s economy continued to rely heavily on tourism.rely completely/entirely on sb/sth He relies on his wife completely.rely solely/exclusively on sb/sth (=only on someone or something) There are a lot of people who rely solely on money from the government in order to live.verbsbe forced to rely on sb/sth We were forced to rely on other people to take us everywhere.tend to rely on sb/sth People tend to rely a lot on their cars when they live in the country.prepositionsrely on sb/sth for sth The villagers have to rely on the river for their water.2. to trust someone or somethingadverbsrely on sb/sth completely It’s always good to know that there’s someone who you can rely on completely.you can safely rely on sb You can safely rely on him if you ever get into trouble.phrasessb can rely on sb/sth I knew I could rely on him.sb shouldn’t rely on sb/sth You shouldn’t rely on everything you read in the newspapers.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 14:33:31