

词组 sale
sale /seɪl/ noun 1. sales of a product are the total number that are sold during a particular period of timeGrammarAlways plural in this meaning.adjectives/nouns + saleannual sales The company has annual sales of over $300 million.worldwide sales His last album achieved worldwide sales of over two million.sales are up/down (=they have increased or decreased) Sales are up by 15% over last year.strong sales (=a lot of products are sold) The company reported particularly strong sales of personal computers.record sales (=better than ever before) The store achieved record sales in the final weeks before Christmas.better sales If the price was lower, we could have achieved better sales.poor/disappointing sales The product was taken off the market, after disappointing sales.car/ticket/book etc sales There has been a big increase in ticket sales.retail sales (=sales of things to the public in shops and on the internet) Retail sales have increased by 3%.online sales (=on the internet) Online sales will soon overtake sales of goods sold in high street stores.export sales Export sales are down.high-street sales BrE (=in shops in towns and cities) There was a slight fall in high-street sales.verbssales increase/rise/grow/go up Sales are expected to rise by 50%.sales soar/shoot up/rocket (=increase quickly and by a large amount) Sales soared as prices continued to come down.sales improve Sales seem to be improving slowly.sales fall/drop/go down (=become lower) European sales have fallen by 12%.sales slump (=decrease quickly and by a large amount) Meat sales have slumped following a recent health scare.sale + nounssales figures The company said its sales figures continued to show growth.a sales target Companies have had to lower their sales targets.a sales force (=the people who sell a company’s products) The sales force had grown from 40 to 270.sales performance (=how much a company sells) This year’s sales performance was rather disappointing.the sales forecast (=how much a company expects to sell) The sales forecast was for 10,000 copies of the book to be sold in the first year.a sales pitch (=a talk for persuading someone to buy something) They invited him to their office to hear his sales pitch.phrasesan increase/growth in sales They are expecting a 20% increase in sales next year.a fall/drop/slump in sales Some jobs may be cut following a big drop in sales.the volume of sales (=the amount of goods a company sells) Because of its high volume of sales, the company can keep prices low.2. the act of selling somethingadjectivesa quick sale He wants a quick sale, so he might reduce the price.the sale of sth is illegal The sale of alcohol is illegal in some countries.verbsmake a sale (=sell something as part of your job) The salesman’s job is to make a sale.lose a sale (=fail to sell something) I called the customer back because I didn’t want to lose the sale.close a sale (=complete it) He had to lower the price to close the sale.ban/prohibit/forbid the sale of sth (=order that it should not be sold) Sales of the book were banned.a sale falls through (=it does not happen) The sale fell through because the buyers suddenly changed their minds.a sale goes ahead (=it happens successfully) If the sale goes ahead, it will be the highest price ever paid for a painting.sale + nounsthe sale price The sale price was one million dollars.phrasesbe (up) for sale (=available to be bought) How long has the house been for sale?be on sale (=being sold) Their new album is on sale now.3. an event at which things are soldadjectives/nouns + salean art/food/clothes etc sale The event is one of the biggest art sales in the country.a (car) boot sale BrE (=an outdoor sale where people sell things from the back of cars) She got the picture frame for 50p at a car boot sale.a jumble sale BrE a rummage sale AmE (=a sale of used clothes, books etc, in order to collect money for a church, school etc) I’ll give the jacket to a jumble sale.a garage/yard sale AmE (=a sale of someone’s possessions in their garage/yard) Our neighbors are having a garage sale. | They buy all their clothing at yard sales, with a maximum of 50 cents for a shirt, a dollar for pants.a bring-and-buy sale (=a sale where people bring cheap things for people to buy, usually to collect money) We’re having a bring-and-buy sale at our local church.verbs + salehave a sale They’re having a book sale in the school hall.hold a sale (=have one) We are holding a cake sale to raise money for charity.4. an event at which a shop sells goods at a reduced priceadjectives/nouns + salethe January/New Year/summer etc sales There are hundreds of bargains in the January sales.a big sale The store is having a big sale.verbsbuy/get sth in a sale I bought the jacket in a sale – it was half price.have a sale They usually have a sale in the autumn.




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