

词组 party
party /ˈpɑːti $ ˈpɑːrti/ noun 1. a social event when a lot of people meet together to enjoy themselves by eating, drinking, dancing etcnouns + partya birthday/Christmas/Halloween etc party They met at her sister’s 18th birthday party. | I hope you’re going to the office Christmas party.a dinner party Television is a favourite topic of conversation at dinner parties these days.a surprise party His girlfriend has planned a surprise party for his birthday.a farewell/leaving party (=for someone who is moving to a different place or job) Are you going to Michael’s leaving party?a fancy-dress party BrE a costume party AmE (=where people dress as famous people or characters, people with particular jobs etc) I once went to a fancy-dress party dressed as a pirate.a cocktail party (=a fairly formal party, where alcoholic drinks are served) I have to go to a cocktail party at the Spanish embassy.an office party (=for people who work together in an office) We usually have an office party at the end of the year.a street party The neighbours organized a street party to celebrate the occasion.a stag party BrE a bachelor party AmE (=for a man and his male friends, just before the man gets married) He got terribly drunk at his stag party.a hen party BrE a bachelorette party AmE (=for a woman and her female friends, just before the woman gets married) She invited all her friends to her hen party.a garden party BrE a lawn party AmE I once went to a big garden party at Buckingham Palace.adjectivesa big/small party I don’t really like going to big parties.a lavish party (=where a lot of money has been spent) He threw lavish parties for his celebrity friends.verbshave/hold a party We’re having a party on Saturday night. | The party was held at his flat. Don’t say make a party.throw/give a party (=organize one) Staff threw a party to celebrate the news.host a party (=give a large or formal party) The party was hosted by the Danish ambassador.go to/come to a party also attend a party formal Are you going to Tom’s party? | About 500 people will attend a party in her honour.invite sb to a party I’ve been invited to a birthday party next weekend.gatecrash a party (=go to it although you are not invited) Some older boys tried to gatecrash the party.a party breaks up (=it ends and people go home) The party broke up just after midnight.Have a party or hold a party?Hold a party sounds more formal and is often used in the passive.party + nounsparty games The children had great fun playing party games.a party atmosphere (=the feeling of being at a party) There was a party atmosphere on board the ship.the party spirit (=the way people feel when they are really enjoying a party) There’ll be plenty of free champagne to get the party spirit going.a party dress The little girls were wearing white party dresses.prepositionsat a party I met her at a party.phrasesthere is a party going on Somewhere near the hotel there was a party going on.a party is in full swing (=people at a party are having a good time talking, dancing etc) At 3 a.m., the party was still in full swing.be in a party mood (=want to enjoy yourself at a party) Kate wasn’t really in a party mood, so she stayed home.THESAURUS: party get-together an informal party: Christmas is the perfect time for a family get-together. | I'm thinking of having a little get-together to celebrate the occasion. ball a large formal party where people dance: Are you going to the end of term ball? reception a large formal party, especially one after a wedding or to welcome an important person: The wedding reception is at a nearby hotel. | There was a reception for the Chinese foreign minister at the embassy. | They attended a White House reception to mark the Queen’s visit. function a large formal or official party: He has been asked to play at many corporate functions (=an official party held by a company). celebration a party or special event that is organized in order to celebrate something: This year the country will be holding its 50th anniversary celebrations. | It was a 21st birthday celebration which Mary would never forget. bash informal a party, especially a big one: We all went to his birthday bash. | There is a picture of him at a Hollywood bash. do BrE informal a party: We’re having a do to celebrate Margaret’s birthday. house-warming a party that you have when you move into a new house: We’re having a house-warming next week. baby/wedding shower AmE an event at which people give presents to a woman who is going to have a baby or get married: Elliot's mother and stepfather had thrown a baby shower for them (=they had organized one).2. a political organization, which you can vote for in electionsadjectives/nouns + partya political party The Labour Party and the Conservative Party are the two main political parties in Britain.the Labour/Republican etc Party He is the leader of the Democratic Party.the ruling party (=the party that forms the government) The ruling party’s level of support grew throughout the year.an opposition party (=a party that does not form the government) The tax increase was criticized by opposition parties.a right-wing/left-wing party Support for the right-wing parties was strongest among young working-class men.the main/major parties The changes were supported by all the major parties.verbsvote for a party People will vote for the party that promises to make them better off.join a party Bloomfield joined the Communist Party in 1946.form/found a party The two politicians decided to form a new political party.lead a party He resigned after leading the party for 13 years.a party wins/loses an election Which party will win the election?party + nounsthe party leader He met with opposition party leaders.a party candidate (=someone who represents a political party in an election) The seat was won by the Socialist Party candidate with 68% of the vote.party supporters She addressed a crowd of 5,000 party supporters.the party faithful (=strong supporters of a party) His policies appeal to the party faithful.a party activist (=someone who works hard for a party) Campaign literature is distributed by unpaid party activists.party politics (=activities concerned with getting support for one political party) During the war, they agreed to put aside party politics and work together.party policy There has been a change in party policy on education.a party conference The minister will give a speech at the party conference.a party official Senior party officials have denied the story.the party chairman BrE He resigned as Conservative Party chairman.phrasesa member of a party also a party member I have been a member of the party for nearly 30 years.a party is in power (=it is in charge of the government of a country) From 1945 until 1951 the Labour Party was in power in Britain.a party comes to power (=begins to be the government) The ruling party came to power in May 2001.




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