

词组 mistake
mistake /məˈsteɪk, mɪˈsteɪk/ noun 1. something that is done in the wrong way, for example when you are writing or calculating somethingadjectives/nouns + mistakea spelling mistake There was a spelling mistake in the first paragraph.a grammatical mistake Her French essay was full of grammatical mistakes.a common/classic mistake A common mistake is to imagine that dogs think like humans.a little/small/slight/minor mistake He made one or two little mistakes, but the rest was good.a silly/stupid/foolish/careless mistake Don’t worry – we all make silly mistakes sometimes.a serious/bad mistake There was a serious mistake in the instructions.an honest/genuine/innocent mistake (=a mistake, and not a deliberate action) Thomas admitted he had broken the law, but said that it had been an honest mistake.an easy mistake (to make) She looks like her sister, so it’s an easy mistake to make.a basic/elementary mistake The most basic mistake that people make is to take too many vitamin pills, without considering which is going to help them most.a deliberate mistake Did you spot the deliberate mistake?the occasional/odd mistake He made the odd mistake, but generally I thought he played really well.verbsmake a mistake The hotel made a mistake with the bill.correct a mistake also rectify a mistake formal Luckily he was able to correct the mistake before his boss saw it.realize your mistake She didn’t realize her mistake until it was too late.find/discover/spot a mistake Let me know if you spot any mistakes.admit your mistake It is better to admit your mistake and apologize.mistakes happen Doctors are always extremely careful, but mistakes can happen. Don’t say do a mistake. Say make a mistake.prepositionsa mistake in sth There were a lot of mistakes in his essay.phrasesbe full of mistakes The article was full of mistakes.it is a mistake to think/assume etc sth It is a mistake to assume that all snakes are dangerous.there must be some mistake (=used when you think someone has made a mistake) There must be some mistake. I definitely booked a room for tonight.be all a mistake (=used when saying that a situation happened because of a mistake) There was no deliberate plan – it was all a big mistake.Mistake or error?You can say a spelling mistake or a spelling error. The only difference is that error is more formal than mistake.When talking about things you have done wrong, you usually use mistake: I made some silly little mistakes. (not ‘errors’). Error sounds too formal for this type of situation.You say computer error, human error, driver error, or pilot error (not ‘mistake’): The crash was caused by pilot error.THESAURUS: mistake error formal a mistake: There were a number of factual errors in the report. | The essay was full of grammatical errors. | I noticed a spelling error on the first page. | He had made a serious error on his tax form. | The accident was caused by pilot error. | The report confirmed that the explosion was the result of human error. misprint a small mistake in something that is printed: There was a misprint in the article, and instead of ‘pleasant’ it said ‘pheasant’. typo informal a mistake in something that has been typed or printed: I spotted a couple of typos in the letter. inaccuracy formal a piece of information that is not completely correct: The report contained several factual inaccuracies. | The film is full of historical inaccuracies.Often plural. mix-up a careless mistake in which one name, time, address etc has been confused with another, so that the details of something are wrong: There was a mix-up over the train times and I missed my train. slip-up a careless mistake when you are doing something: The other team took advantage of the goalkeeper's slip-up. oversight a mistake in which you forget something or do not notice something: Through an oversight, the brochures were sent to the wrong address (=because of an oversight). omission a mistake in which you forget to mention or include something: There are some serious omissions on the list. | This was seen as a major omission in the report. | The most glaring omission is the complete lack of a discussion about the role of genetics (=shocking omission). a slip of the tongue a mistake in which you accidentally say a similar sounding word: When I said Thursday, I meant Tuesday. It was a slip of the tongue. faux pas /ˌfəʊ ˈpɑː, ˈfəʊ pɑː $ ˌfoʊ ˈpɑː/ formal an embarrassing mistake in a social situation, when you do or say something that you shouldn’t: Harris, trying to be funny, addressed the waiter as ‘boy’. A complete silence followed this faux pas.a stupid mistake blunder a stupid mistake caused by not thinking carefully enough about what you are saying or doing, which could have serious results: In a serious blunder by the hospital, two babies were sent home with the wrong parents. | Many people believe that the president committed a huge political blunder when he sent US forces into Iraq. gaffe /ɡæf/ an embarrassing and stupid mistake made in a social situation or in public: He made some embarrassing gaffes, including forgetting the name of his host. howler BrE a very bad mistake, especially one that shows you do not know something, and that often makes other people laugh: Photographers should be careful of making classic howlers, such as having a tree grow out of your subject’s head. cock-up BrE informal a silly mistake when you are doing something – a very informal use: They made a cock-up with the bill. | The government is anxious to avoid any more cock-ups.2. something you do that is not sensible and has a bad result, which you regret lateradjectivesa big/great mistake Buying the house was a big mistake.a bad/terrible/dreadful mistake Marrying him was the worst mistake she had ever made.a disastrous/catastrophic mistake She made it sound like I had made some kind of catastrophic mistake.a serious/grave mistake I warned him that I thought he was making a serious mistake.a fatal mistake (=a very bad mistake, especially one that causes you to fail) His fatal mistake was trying to do everything by himself.a costly mistake (=that has a bad result or costs a lot of money) Increasing taxes could be a costly mistake for the government.verbsmake a mistake I am worried that you are making a terrible mistake. | I stupidly made the mistake of giving him my phone number.learn from your mistakes It is important to learn from your mistakes.repeat a mistake No one wants to repeat the mistakes of the past.avoid a mistake Town planners need to avoid the mistakes made in the 1960s.phrasesit is a mistake to do sth It is a mistake to try to see everything in the museum in one day.sb won’t make the same mistake again We won’t make the same mistake again.




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