

词组 long
long /lɒŋ $ lɒːŋ/ adjective 1. measuring many kilometres, metres, centimetres etcnounsa long distance/way We were a long way from home.long hair/face/neck/body The girl had long brown hair.long legs/arms/fingers/tail Your arms are longer than mine – can you get it for me?a long road/river/bridge Which is the longest river in the world?a long tunnel/corridor The porter led us down a long corridor to our room.a long line/queue A long line of people waited outside the museum.a long piece of sth He tied the letters together with a long piece of string.long trousers/socks/boots/dress/coat etc The older boys were allowed to wear long trousers. | The man was wearing a long dark coat.long sleeves She always wore long sleeves which covered up her arms.a long table Frick sat at the head of the long table, in his rightful place as their leader.a long shadow The low sun cast long shadows across the fields.If something is very long, you can say that it stretches for miles/hundreds of metres etc: The beach stretches for over four miles.ANTONYMS short (2)2. continuing for many years, months, minutes etcnounsa long time/period It’s been a long time since we last met.a long delay/pause There are long delays on the road due to an accident.a long story/film/play It’s a very long story – you wouldn’t want to hear it all now.a long day/night/evening etc (=one that seems long because it is very tiring or busy) I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.a long life We hope that you have a very long and happy life together.a long history The university has a long and distinguished history.a long journey/trip/voyage It is a long journey from New York to Mexico City.a long walk/ride/drive/flight They went for a long walk along the river.a long meeting/discussion/conversation Karen spent most of the day in a long meeting.a long speech/talk/lecture The president gave a long speech about the need for reform.a long silence There was a long silence before he spoke again.a long sentence (=a long period in prison as a punishment) Drug dealers are given long prison sentences.verbsget longer Summer is coming and the days are getting longer.phrasesin the long term (=in the future a long time from now) No one knows what will happen in the long term.THESAURUS: long long-runningshow | programme | series | dispute | battle | argument | debate | campaign | saga a long-running show, dispute, campaign etc continues for a long time: She was the star of a long-running TV show. | He has been involved in a long-running dispute with his neighbour. | There has been a long-running campaign to save the forest. | This is the latest chapter in the long-running saga of relations between the two countries (=a long series of related events). long-termeffect | consequences | benefit | problem | relationship | solution | strategy | goal | investment | unemployment | growth | decline used about something that is expected to continue for a long time into the future: No one knows what the long-term effects of climate change will be. | Her job involves caring for people with long-term problems. | This is his first long-term relationship since he separated from his wife. | Can wind farms provide a long-term solution to our energy problems? | The long-term goal is, of course, to make a living from writing. | Millions of people are faced with long-term unemployment. | The economy went into a period of long-term decline. lastingimpression | effect | impact | influence | peace | damage | benefit | value | friendship | solution | achievement | memorial | reminder strong enough or great enough to continue for a long time: The book left a lasting impression on me. | The negotiations were aimed at achieving a lasting peace. | This affair has done lasting damage to his reputation. | Training would only be of lasting value if there was a real job at the end of it. | People often form lasting friendships at university. | The stone is a lasting memorial to those who died.Lasting is always used before a noun. lengthyperiod | process | delay | discussion | negotiation | conversation | description | sentence continuing for a long time, especially longer than you want or expect: There was a lengthy period of economic decline. | Getting a visa can be a lengthy and time-consuming process. | Police are going through the lengthy process of re-examining all the evidence. | There are lengthy delays on all roads out of the city. | He faces a lengthy prison sentence (=period in prison). protractednegotiations | debate | discussion | talks | dispute | struggle | battle | fight | stay | delay continuing for a long time, especially an unusually long time. Protracted is more formal than lengthy: Despite protracted negotiations, they were unable to reach an agreement. | The firm is anxious to avoid a protracted legal battle. | He arrived home after a protracted stay in South Africa. | There were protracted delays during the trial. prolongedperiod | use | exposure | absence | recession | drought | illness continuing for a long time – used especially about a bad situation or something that has a bad effect: The country entered a prolonged period of economic and political crisis. | Prolonged use of the drug can cause harmful side effects. | Prolonged exposure to the sun’s rays is bad for the skin. | His absences from work became more and more prolonged. | The economy went into a prolonged recession. long-drawn-outprocess | negotiations continuing for much too long: The investigation was a long-drawn-out process, costing millions of dollars. | The agreement was reached after long-drawn-out negotiations. enduringappeal | fascination | influence | memory | love | legacy enduring feelings and memories continue for a long time without disappearing or being forgotten: It is easy to understand the enduring appeal of the James Bond movies (=people continue to like something for a long time). | Dinosaurs seem to have an enduring fascination for children. | One of my most enduring memories is of going to Paris with my parents. | His poems show his enduring love for Ireland. | The railway has proved to be Britain’s most enduring legacy in India (=something that remains long after someone has gone).Enduring is always used before a noun. extendedperiod | visit | stay | holiday | break | tour used when someone stays somewhere or does something for longer than usual, or longer than was planned: You shouldn’t leave children on their own for extended periods. | She had to have an extended stay in hospital after the baby was born. | He took an extended break from work after his father died. marathonsession | contest | journey | battle | effort continuing for a very long time and needing a lot of effort or determination: The doctors treated over a hundred patients in one marathon session. | It was a marathon contest, which lasted over five hours. | He arrived after a marathon journey across Europe. | The team needs to put on a marathon effort in order to win.Marathon is always used before a noun. interminableargument | debate | meeting | delay | wait | journey very long and boring – used especially when something makes you feel impatient because it continues for far too long: There were interminable arguments about money. | Wednesday was a day of interminable meetings. | They faced an interminable wait in the departure lounge of the airport. | The journey home was interminable.ANTONYMS short (1)3. consisting of many words, pages, or lettersnounsa long book/article/report Because his report was so long, few people bothered to read it.a long list There is a long list of rules and regulations.a long word/name/title Some people like to use long words because it makes them sound more intelligent.THESAURUS: long long-windedanswer | question | story | discussion | speech | explanation | apology using too many words and continuing for too long: It was a very long-winded answer to a simple question. | He gave a long-winded speech about his vision for the company’s future.ANTONYMS short (3)




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