

词组 resistance
resistance /rɪˈzɪstəns/ noun 1. a refusal to accept new ideas or changesadjectivesstrong/fierce/stiff resistance There was strong resistance to the changes among the staff. | The government is expecting fierce resistance to the tax increases. | The board is facing some stiff resistance to its proposals.considerable resistance The suggestion met with considerable resistance from his colleagues.stubborn resistance (=very determined and refusing to change) The workers’ stubborn resistance to the new system is frustrating for managers.token resistance (=only a small amount of resistance, because you know you cannot stop something from happening) His parents put up only a token resistance to his plans.verbsput up/offer resistance (=resist someone or something) If the rest of us are agreed, I don’t think he’ll put up much resistance. | The teachers offered no resistance to the principal’s plans.meet (with) resistance also encounter resistance formal (=be resisted) Attempts to change the education system have met with strong resistance in many colleges.overcome resistance (=fight and win against it) The president will have to overcome resistance to the reforms in Congress.prepositionsresistance to sth Has there been much resistance to that idea?resistance from sb The plans to build the airport met with a lot of resistance from people living in the local area.2. fighting against someone who is attacking youadjectivesarmed resistance The soldiers met with little armed resistance and they quickly took control of the city.military resistance Military resistance against US troops continued.fierce/strong resistance Government troops met with fierce resistance from rebel forces.violent resistance Three days of violent resistance left over a thousand people dead.heroic resistance The people of Stalingrad put up a heroic resistance against the invading German army.little/no resistance The army met with little resistance and soon took the capital city.passive resistance (=a way of protesting or opposing a government without using violence) Women struggling for equal rights fought a campaign of passive resistance.verbsput up/offer resistance (=resist someone or something) The invading army did not expect the local population to put up so much resistance. | When the police moved in, the demonstrators offered no resistance.meet (with) resistance also encounter resistance formal (=be resisted) The troops advanced swiftly, encountering only minor resistance.crush resistance (=end it by force) The dictator warned that any resistance would be crushed.resistance collapses Troops crossed the river with ease, as local resistance seemed to have collapsed.resistance + nounsthe resistance movement (=people who work together to resist forces controlling their country) Members of the resistance movement were arrested and shot.a resistance group Local resistance groups are well armed.a resistance fighter Resistance fighters had captured an enemy officer.prepositionsresistance from sb They met with strong resistance from local people.resistance against sb He fought in the resistance against the occupying forces.3. the ability of something or someone to protect themselves against disease or damageverbshave good/poor/no etc resistance Some crops have better resistance against pests.boost/improve/increase/strengthen resistance These drugs improve resistance to a range of diseases.weaken resistance Lack of food will also weaken your resistance.build up resistance (=become better able to protect against something) Many children who grow up here gradually build up resistance to malaria.adjectives/nouns + resistancenatural resistance (=that a person, animal, plant etc has naturally) A stress-free environment helps strengthen animals’ natural resistance.disease resistance These crops are bred to have better disease resistance.fire resistance (=ability not to burn or be damaged by fire) The furniture must reach an acceptable standard of fire resistance.weather resistance (=ability to not be damaged by weather) The wood is treated with resin to improve weather resistance.drought resistance (=ability to survive for a long time without water) This variety of plant is selected for its drought resistance.prepositionsresistance to sth The special coating provides some resistance to heat.




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