

词组 guarantee
verb | noun
guarantee1 AC /ˌɡærənˈtiː/ verb [T] 1. to promise that something will happennounsguarantee sb’s safety/security New measures will help guarantee the safety of passengers.guarantee sb’s rights/freedom The law guarantees equal rights for men and women. | Kenya is a democratic country which guarantees freedom of speech.guarantee standards/quality Companies must be able to guarantee the quality of their products.guarantee the accuracy of sth We cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.adverbspersonally guarantee I can personally guarantee that you will have the delivery on Thursday.effectively guarantee (=used when saying what the real situation is, even though it may seem different officially) The bank has effectively guaranteed to lend him the money.2. to make something certain to happennounsguarantee success There is no way of guaranteeing success.guarantee a place A win today will guarantee the team a place in the final.guarantee (sb) a job Training programmes do not guarantee a job, but they do provide necessary skills.adverbsalmost/practically/virtually guarantee The island has beautiful beaches and friendly people, so a good time is virtually guaranteed.automatically guarantee Having a lot of money does not automatically guarantee happiness.sth is by no means guaranteed (=it is not certain to happen, even though some people think that it is) Victory is by no means guaranteed.
verb | noun
guarantee2 AC /ˌgærənˈtiː/ noun 1. a company’s formal promise to repair or replace a product if it breaksadjectives/nouns + guaranteea one-year/two-year etc guarantee The washing machine has a five-year guarantee.a full guarantee (=one that covers all problems) All our bathrooms come with a full guarantee.a lifetime guarantee They say that their furniture has a lifetime guarantee.a money-back guarantee (=one that gives you back the money you paid if there is a problem) The company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee on all its products.verbs + guaranteehave a guarantee All our boots have a five-year guarantee.come with/carry a guarantee The building work comes with a 30-year guarantee.extend a guarantee (=make it last for a longer period) For an extra £20 you can extend the guarantee to two years.guarantee + verbsa guarantee covers sth (=it includes something) The guarantee doesn’t cover accidental damage.a guarantee runs out/expires (=it ends) Customers have to pay for repairs after the guarantee runs out.prepositionsa guarantee on sth The company offers a five-year guarantee on all new cars.a guarantee against sth There is a guarantee against all electrical faults.be under guarantee (=be protected by a guarantee) We paid for the repair because the computer was no longer under guarantee.2. a person’s firm promise to do somethingverbsgive/offer sb a guarantee also provide sb with a guarantee He gave me a guarantee that the work would be finished next week.get/receive a guarantee I received a guarantee that prisoners would be treated fairly.demand a guarantee Customers are demanding guarantees that their goods will be delivered on time.adjectivesa cast-iron guarantee also an absolute guarantee (=one that is completely definite) The manager has given him a cast-iron guarantee that he will be promoted.sb’s personal guarantee I give you my personal guarantee that I will be at the meeting.phrasesa guarantee of satisfaction (=a promise that someone will be pleased with something you are giving them) Each of our products comes with a guarantee of complete satisfaction.




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