

词组 gossip
gossip /ˈɡɒsəp, ˈɡɒsɪp $ ˈɡɑː-/ noun conversation or information about other people’s private livesadjectives/nouns + gossipthe latest gossip Annie told me all the latest gossip from work.juicy gossip informal (=interesting gossip) Do you want to hear some juicy gossip?hot gossip informal (=new and interesting) The magazine features hot gossip from the world of show business.idle gossip (=not based on facts) I’m not interested in idle gossip.malicious gossip (=unkind and intending to upset or harm someone) Criticisms of him were based on malicious gossip.scurrilous gossip formal (=damaging and untrue) The article was a mixture of facts and utterly scurrilous gossip.salacious gossip formal (=about sex) The newspapers have an insatiable desire for salacious gossip.celebrity gossip (=about famous people) The public shows no sign of losing interest in celebrity gossip.common gossip (=that everyone knows about) Their affair had become a subject of common gossip.office gossip He told her a few bits of office gossip which he thought might interest her.village gossip BrE She knew from village gossip how Harry had treated his first wife.verbsspread gossip Someone’s been spreading gossip about Lucy and Ian.exchange gossip (=talk about other people and their private lives with someone) They used to meet up and exchange gossip.listen to gossip He was always willing to listen to gossip.gossip goes around (=it is told by one person to another) It was a small village, and any gossip went around very quickly.gossip + nounsa gossip column (=a regular article in a newspaper or magazine about the private lives of famous people) The princess often appeared in the gossip columns.a gossip columnist (=someone who writes a gossip column) Gossip columnists wrote about every aspect of his private life.prepositionsgossip about sb/sth There is always a lot of gossip about professional football players.phrasesa piece/bit/snippet of gossip I’ve got a piece of gossip which might interest you.be the subject of gossip (=be talked about) His close friendship with Carol was the subject of gossip.




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