

bike Bill bill billy-o bind
bind sb hand and foot bind/tie sb hand and foot bird birds birds of a feather
birds of a feather (flock together) birds of a feather flock together bird’s-eye birth birthday
biscuit bit bit by bit bitch bite
bite off more than you can chew biter bite sb’s head off bite/snap sb’s head off bite the big one
bite the bullet bite the dust bite the hand that feeds you bite your fingernails bite your lip
bite your nails bite your nails/fingernails bite your tongue bits bits and bobs
bits and pieces bitten bitter black black and blue
black and white blame blanche blank blanket
blast blaze blaze a/the trail blaze a trail blazes
blaze the trail bleed bleeds bleed sb dry bleed sb dry/white
bleed sb white blend blend/fade into the woodwork blend into the woodwork bless
bless his her etc. cotton socks bless his her etc. (little) cotton socks bless his her etc. little cotton socks blessing blessings
bless you bless you him etc. bless your his etc. heart blind over
over a barrel over again over and above over and over over and over (again)
over and over again overboard overdo overdo it overdo it/things
overdo things overdrive over easy over easy/medium/hard over-egg
over-egg the pudding over hard over medium over my dead body overplay
overplay your hand over sb’s head overshoot overshoot the mark overstay
overstay your welcome overstep overstep the line overstep the mark overstep the mark/line
over the counter over the course of… over the hill over the hump over the long haul
over the odds over the way overtime overtures owes
owl own oyster P pace
paces pack pack a (hard etc.) punch packed packed like sardines
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