

词组 black
释义 black /blæk/ SEE ALL
black and ˈbluecovered with bruises (= blue, brown or purple marks on the body) 青一块紫一块;伤痕累累She was black and blue all over after falling down stairs.
(in) black and ˈwhite(as) absolutely right or wrong, good or bad, with no grades between them 黑白分明;不是好就是坏My grandmother has very rigid ideas of character and behaviour; she sees everything in black and white.
It’s not a black-and-white issue.
a black ˈday (for sb)a day when sth sad, unpleasant or disastrous happens (to sb) 不吉利的日子;坏日子;倒霉的日子It was a black day for this area when the local steel factory closed down.
a black ˈeyean area of dark skin (= a bruise) around the eye caused by an accident, sb hitting you, etc. (事故、挨打等造成的)青黑色的眼眶How did you get that black eye?
a black ˈlookan angry or a disapproving expression on sb’s face 生气(或不赞许)的表情;白眼She gave me a black look when I suggested she should clean her room.
a black ˈmark (against sb) (BrE) sth that sb has done which makes other people dislike or disapprove of them (不利于某人的)污点,短处It was another black mark against her that she had not gone to the last meeting.
OPP brownie points
the black ˈmarketan illegal form of trade in which foreign money, or goods that are difficult to obtain, are bought and sold 黑市Tickets for the game are being sold on the black market for $200 each.
这场比赛的门票在黑市上已经卖到了 200 美元一张。
OPP the open market
a/the black ˈsheep (of the family)a person who is different from the rest of their family or another group, and who is considered bad or embarrassing 败家子;害群之马Debbie is the black sheep of the family, having left home at seventeen to live with her boyfriend.
ORIGIN Shepherds used to dislike black sheep because their wool was not as valuable as white wool. 过去牧羊人不喜欢黑色的羊,因为黑羊毛不如白羊毛值钱。
a ˈblack spota place where accidents often happen, especially on a road 事故多发地带This junction is a well-known accident black spot.
in the ˈblack (business 商业) have money, for example in your bank account; make a profit 有盈余;盈利The company is back in the black after a year of heavy losses.
OPP in the red
in black and ˈwhitein print or writing 白纸黑字;印刷的;书写的I want to see his statement down in black and white.
he, it, etc. is not as black as he, it, etc. is ˈpaintedhe, it, etc. is not as bad as people say 他(或它等)不像人们说的那么坏The boss is not as black as she’s painted; in fact, I find her quite helpful and friendly.
look ˈblackshow no signs of hope or improvement 希望渺茫;前途一片黑暗I know things look black at the moment but I’m sure you’ll get a job soon.
the ˌpot calling the kettle ˈblack (saying, informal) used to say that you should not criticize sb for a fault that you have yourself 锅笑壶黑;五十步笑百步‘You haven’t done any work all morning.’ ‘Neither have you! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!’“你一上午什么也没干。”“你不也是?真是五十步笑百步!” ORIGIN When cooking was done over a fire, the smoke made cooking pots turn black. 生火做饭时,烟会把锅熏黑。




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